Friday, March 30, 2012

Ticking Ever So Slowly

Well, as the semester draws to an end, I just can't help but feel more and more impatient.  A number of things are on my to do list (yes, I have one) and I feel like they just aren't getting done.  Perhaps this is because finals are now just one week away?  I don't know.  What I do know is that I am ready to get the heck out of here. 

Now don't get me wrong, Hawaii is such a great place to be and I have some of the best friends that a person could ask for!  But the truth is, there is only so much one can accomplish without the wonderful presence of a car...  Being a college student, I am only so willing to pay bus fare just to get off campus for a few hours.  Mainly because the bus takes forever to get from point A to point B. 

We went on a hike.  Again.

And finals, ohh finals how I dread you.  Well, just my math and music finals.  Everything else will be easy pease.  I just wish that I can fast forward the next two weeks to avoid the stress and the innumerable knots that said stress will cause in my poor shoulders and neck.  Whooh so fun.  But I really really REALLY want these two weeks to fly by because that means that my little sister will be here for a week to chill with me!!

Makayla, I am sooo flipping excited.  You don't even know.  I seriously have been keeping a mental count down until you fly in.  15 days, say what?  We're gonna go to Sunset beach and have Ted's and we're gonna go to Kahuku Grill and you'll get to see the dorms (maybe).  I'm just gonna take you everywhere pretty much.  That is, of course, if Allie is okay with driving us around.  Ohh and we will be eating the delicious Acai bowls in Haula.  No biggie.  And of course we'll have to get you all tanned up for prom.  Duh.  I don't think you'll be beating me though, I'm rather brown.  But let's just say you're going to have a lot of fun!

Anyway, I can't wait to get out of the dorms. Seriously it has been sheer H-E double hockey sticks pretty much all semester.  It suffices to say that who you room with really impacts your life.  If you don't get along with your roommate, the dorm life is just full of tension and animosity.  I can't wait to be rid of it.  Hopefully rooming off campus will work out a lot better, right Alex?

It'll also be fantastic to cook dinner again.  I'll be doing that a lot when I get home.  Of course I'll be pairing it with sprint workouts over at Mountain View on a near daily basis!  I miss sprinting.  Actually, scratch that.  I miss pole vaulting.  I'm going to be paying Mountain View's track team many visits when I get back. Coach Sully, I promise I'm going to bring you an offering of chocolate covered caramel macadamia nuts!  I think you'll like them.  There isn't any coconut at all! And of course I get to see all the little vaulters all grown up.  That'll be nice.

I got some letters from my dear lovely Mesa boys!  I miss them all!  Hurry up and come back to me already, guys!  Summer isn't going to be the same without our river trips and Ocean Blue hangouts and Jones Nights and all the other fun stuff we did.  Like our all night after graduation?  That was the most fun thing ever.  I miss you boys!  But I do know that you all are doing the right thing.  And that you'll be manly men when you get home.  But until then, I shall continue to reminisce with Erin and Danielle about all the adventures we had. (Yes I realize they can't read this).

Alright, I'm done ranting.  Peace out.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Rains Came Down and the Floods Came Up!

Hello all!  Well, today has been a gem!  Classes got cancelled!  However, I was unaware and trekked across campus to my music class and learned first hand! 

So let me start by saying that until this week, I thought that thunder and lightening were a myth here in Hawaii.  I was wrong.  Very wrong...

I was rudely awoken at about 6:45 this morning to a constant blare of thunder outside of my dorm.  Oh yeah, and the rain sounded like a thousand waterfalls too.  I mean I couldn't really see because A) it was dark and B) I can't see anything without my glasses or contacts-- but I could definitely hear it!  And then about fifteen minutes later I decided to go out and look at the torrents of rain crashing down on BYU-H.  I wasn't disappointed!  Then I realized that if the bottom floor of Hale 2 would be flooded, I would get Alex and her roommate in my room.  (Seeing as she is located directly below my room).  I guess that when the first floor is flooded, the residents move up to the room right above them.  So Alex, we very nearly were roommates for a little!  We would have had a lot of fun, I think.  Ohh well!

My Hale wasn't flooded, but I have been informed that Hale 5 was flooded!  I saw a short video of girls trying to bail out the water with their trash cans from this was entertaining, but I do feel very bad for the girls that lost their rooms for the time being..  Sorry guys!   I'm sure that there have been more flooded Hales, like 3, 4, and 6, but I haven't heard yet.  I am so thankful I live on the second floor!

Anyway, so I guess that this entire weekend is going to be very very rain filled.  Which means no beach and no hiking.  Therefore this weekend will likely be another movie-filled weekend.  I think that makes it the third in a row? 

Guys, it has been raining ever since Sunday.  Sometimes it has just been a light misting and other times a torrential down pour... you would think coming from Arizona the rain would be the best thing ever?  I totally love the rain, it's awesome!  But there are only so many days that one can handle soaked shoes and chilly air.  My quota has filled.  But I digress, the rain is so fun and I can't help but hope that we get more.  Maybe since it's the weekend I'll actually go out and play in it?  I think so.  Also, as long as the caf has hot chocolate, then I am totally fine with the never ending sheets of rain.  Welcome to a Hawaii winter.  It's sorta like an Arizona winter, but increase the temperature by twenty degrees and increase the rain ten fold. 

Oh rain, how I love you, if I had boots with me, I would love you that (---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------) much more.  I still love you a lot though, since I am a rain deprived desert dweller, after all. 

Mom, Dad, Siblings, if I come home pale again, you'll know that the weather did not permit me access to the beach.  I shall do my best to regain the lost color, I promise!

Also, Erin Timothy, I miss you dearest best friend!  I'm coming to Rexburg to visit you, promise!  I just need to make some money first..and then I'll come to you!  Because we've been separated for wayyy too long.  And I want to review our list haha.