I can only take so much before I absolutely need a break. Hello all, me again! I am currently sitting in a chilly library studying my freshie butt off in preparation for semester finals. It is not an experience that I enjoy, but it is something that I must do, unfortunately..
Why am I not in my dorm room? Well, I have finally realized that in the quiet of my room, I find reasons to not study. For example, I end up on Facebook or Pinterest and waste precious study time. Or I'll be semi-distracted by music playing on good ol' reliable Spotify or watch tv on the internet. Or I'll be unconscious on my bed. It's a viscious cycle that I've finally broken. Here in the library, I am motivated by passers by to stay off of all social media websites. I also refuse to bring my headphones because if I brought them, I would use them as entertainment. So here, I get a lot more work done. It's just boring. So boring.
May I say that in six days I'll be on my way back to the lovely Mesa, Arizona for three weeks? I know everyone is excited, no need to tell me! My family just won't stop bragging about how they've been using the fire place and how it's cold back at home and that yeahh... I'm out of ideas..
But I am excited to see mi familia! Three months away might have made my heart even more fond of our silly jokes and whatnot. Family, since you are accustomed to the "cold" and I am not, I shall be needing extra blankets on my bed. Since, you know, it's about 70 degrees here always...
Also, I'm not going to be as tan as you all are expecting! I've been a studious young woman who remains indoors preparing for tests and doing homework. Sorry to disappoint! But I will do my best to catch up and get a last minute tan before I come home! I have to have a little bit of a glow at least. Just to, you know, gloat at all you ghosties. (cough*Erin and Makayla and Jordan*cough).
Okay...okay okay okay. Break time is over. Time to resume my studying of Anthropology now. I'm reading about religion. Exciting, isn't it?
Bye All! See you next Tuesday!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Hello dear blog stalkers! Haleigh here making another update! This time, there is no extensive hiatus, so everyone (Caden) should be happy. You may be wondering why this post is entitled "Happiness". Well, aside from finals prep, I am a very very very veryvery happy person. You may ask, what is wrong with this girl, did she just lose it? To which the answer would be, maybe just a little bit...
But really, I have so many things to be happy about and it isn't even funny. For example, last night, me and my friends had a snugglefest in a house. An actual house! I haven't seen the interior of one of those for eons. Literally. Okay, fine, maybe not that long, but still. It was nice. I love my Hawaiian family. We form an excellent unit. We have mama Emma and I'm not particularly sure which one is the most fatherly. I'm gonna have to say that Eric and David are out. And D.J., Austin; you two would be too nice as Oh well. I think I should start out with earlier this week before I talk about the Saturday Snugglefest? Yeah, I'll do that.
So, Sunday, we had a fireside and that night, I donned red lipstick for the first time in public. Lets just say that I am sort of obsessed with it. Like really obsessed. I wore it Friday and today too...
But really, I have so many things to be happy about and it isn't even funny. For example, last night, me and my friends had a snugglefest in a house. An actual house! I haven't seen the interior of one of those for eons. Literally. Okay, fine, maybe not that long, but still. It was nice. I love my Hawaiian family. We form an excellent unit. We have mama Emma and I'm not particularly sure which one is the most fatherly. I'm gonna have to say that Eric and David are out. And D.J., Austin; you two would be too nice as Oh well. I think I should start out with earlier this week before I talk about the Saturday Snugglefest? Yeah, I'll do that.
So, Sunday, we had a fireside and that night, I donned red lipstick for the first time in public. Lets just say that I am sort of obsessed with it. Like really obsessed. I wore it Friday and today too...
Anyway, the fireside finished, my lovely family and I got together and had a jamsesh out by the security office with a guitar and three ukuleles. And a shaker. Yeah, we're legit at this Hawaiian musical thing. We all have musical talent in some shape or form, so it is really quite safe to assume that this will become a regular past time. And I am excited. So very excited. So excited that soon I will purchase my own uke and teach myself how to play. Sorry real family, I'm going to be singing even more, I'm afraid! Lucky you!
The rest of the week week wasn't very interesting. I spent a lot of time finishing my lovely research paper for English, and copying down the notes for Biology and prepping for Anthropology. In general, just a lot of studying. Just one more week of it, I can do this. I know I can!
So to Friday, I finished my research paper and turned it in a few hours early! I'm such a good college student. Who knew, right? I missed out on going to the beach with my family to finish it. But that is okay because we were at dinner in the good ol' reliable caf for a mighty long time. They eventually pulled out a fruit salad which caused a huge riot and ruckus. All the Asians stole the fruit. I wanted to grab a fist full from their enormous fruit filled platters. Jerks. But that is also okay because then they set out dinner rolls! And even though they aren't entirely good as homemade, it is better than nothing.
Can anyone say Ugly Sweater Dance Party? Yeah, BYUH had one and it was fun. I donned my lovely red lipstick again. And guys get this. Short hair, sock bun, not possible, right? WRONG! I did it and I rocked it! It is officially my new go to hairdo. I am thrilled. I looked like a ballerina, and I liked it. So after the dance, we all walked to the Chevron and then a few of us walked to Bikini beach and talked for a long time. Then we decided it would be best to go to bed because we wanted to go to the surfing competition finals by nine. And surprisingly, it worked!
We, meaning Emma, Tori and I, went to the Pipe Line Masters competition and witnessed a perfect ten! We saw a guy get a perfect ten on his wave, it was incredible. Loved it, every second. So we get back and I take a two hour nap, got ready and ran to Caressa's truck by six. I got to sit in the back, which was fun! I wrapped my scarf around my head like a fancy 50's lady driving a convertible and we, meaning Sumner, Emma, Alex, David and I had a mini snugglefest because it started raining on the way to Caressa's house. Very fun! So we made it to her house and made delicious french bread pizza and watched a trippy movie and just had fun like we always do when we're together. Next semester will be very fun, I am predicting. I love my friends. They're cool kids. So after the movie, we had the aforementioned snugglefest which was lovely. I was toasty warm. The only things that could have made it better would be a nice roaring fire and some good quality hot chocolate. Yes, my obsession for hot chocolate is still going strong everyone. I will never cease loving it. EVER.
But so something that made me ecstatic happened and then we went back to campus and then Sunday came around and I went to church! Today has been fantastic as well.
Another thing that makes me happy is that I will be home in approximately eight days! Whooooo M-town here I come! I think I'll get along fabulously with the 70 degree weather. And a real comfortable bed and a private shower and good food and friends and family and cheaper prices and a boat load of other things!
Bottom line, I'm just so happy!
Picture time, yes?
Triple Crown Surf Finals
My Hawaiian Family
Family pictures!
The female portion. Plus me planking awkwardly in the back. I was pinned between Tori and the stand, therefore, I could not move.
I think that should do? I may or may not post again before I leave, if not, I'll update in lovely Mesa, Arizona!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Finals will be the death of me. I will be shipped home in a casket, I'm sure. Especially my stupid English 201 finals. Seriously, we just submitted our research paper, now we have to prepare a six to ten minute presentation, then for our actual finals, we have an essay sesh in the marvelous testing center and then our "real" final in class. Oh boy oh boy I can't wait. But actually, I can. I'd much rather not do it at all though... Then I have my other finals which I'm not too worried about, but still. This isn't a fun time. Nope, not in the slightest. I now have an understanding of how college students feel.
Okay, but now, lets speak of happy things. Mesa Crew reunites in less than twenty days!!!! I am so so soo excited to see everyone after three long months of separation! However, it will be a bit strange because Ringleader Matthew Pace is out serving the Lord as well as Voice of Reason Blake Savage... I miss you boys. It's just so strange to think that two major components of my life are in South America. But hey, they're doing what they're supposed to do and they're going to be a million times better when they come back! And also, they should just come to Hawaii when they finish serving because I'm going to be here for at least three years. Matt and Michael can set up their personal training bizz! I'll write soon, I promise! Eve
Hold up, two more of my dear lovely friends have received their calls too!
Dear Lovely Michael Rush is going out to serve in Kingston, Jamaica in Marchy March! And Dear Lovely Scott Cook is going to Boise, Idaho at the end of February! I love you boys. Just gonna throw that out there again. And most likely, I'll tell you about 160264631354653118x more before you both leave...
Don't be creeped out...
ErinErinERINERINERIN. We have eighteen days left!! But not gonna lie, I think its actually nineteen.. haha it's okay, regardless of the number of days, it is still less than a month! Ahhhhh I am so excited to go to QT and get hot chocolate and make cookies and cupcakes and all the cool stuff we find on Pinterest with you! Here are a few things I believe we HAVE to make. Lookit that, italicized and capitalized. It has to happen now.
Okay, but now, lets speak of happy things. Mesa Crew reunites in less than twenty days!!!! I am so so soo excited to see everyone after three long months of separation! However, it will be a bit strange because Ringleader Matthew Pace is out serving the Lord as well as Voice of Reason Blake Savage... I miss you boys. It's just so strange to think that two major components of my life are in South America. But hey, they're doing what they're supposed to do and they're going to be a million times better when they come back! And also, they should just come to Hawaii when they finish serving because I'm going to be here for at least three years. Matt and Michael can set up their personal training bizz! I'll write soon, I promise! Eve
Hold up, two more of my dear lovely friends have received their calls too!
Dear Lovely Michael Rush is going out to serve in Kingston, Jamaica in Marchy March! And Dear Lovely Scott Cook is going to Boise, Idaho at the end of February! I love you boys. Just gonna throw that out there again. And most likely, I'll tell you about 160264631354653118x more before you both leave...
Don't be creeped out...
ErinErinERINERINERIN. We have eighteen days left!! But not gonna lie, I think its actually nineteen.. haha it's okay, regardless of the number of days, it is still less than a month! Ahhhhh I am so excited to go to QT and get hot chocolate and make cookies and cupcakes and all the cool stuff we find on Pinterest with you! Here are a few things I believe we HAVE to make. Lookit that, italicized and capitalized. It has to happen now.
Dulce De Leche Cheesecake bars
Pumpkin Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Super Really Chocolatey Cookies... You know, since I have an obsession with chocolate..
And this one, we WILL make. Ten Layer Bars. What? Look at that goodness.. It is begging to be eated by us:)
Of course, we will have Natalie and Makayla helping us out. And eating the creations. If I let them touch any of it that is. But really, Just look at it all! I am literally drooling right now. I might need a bucket. Eww TMI. But that's how badly I want to bake and eat yummy food again!
Okay, it's my bedtime and I might go running on the beach again in the morning...soo farewell!
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