Today marks one week since I left Mesa for Laie, and to be frank, it sucks. Is it because I've left my family for the next three months? Yep. Could it be because my mom took off at three in the afternoon to get home? You betcha. Is it possibly because I feel like no new group of friends can match up to my AMAZING group of friends in Mesa? Oh yes. I am officially home sick. And guys, I really do feel sick. When I said goodbye to my mom outside of the Hale, I was shaking and felt like I was going to throw up. In fact, if anything had been in my stomach, I would have puked for sure. I miss my family so much, its literally hurting me. My throat is tight with tears so I can't even talk about it, which trust me, makes it worse. I'm so embarrassed to cry even though I know its a perfectly normal thing to do.. But still, I just want to go home and wake up in my own bed, witih Makayla asleep on the other side of the room. I want to hear my dad coming back from his morning bike ride at seven, who cares if it wakes me up! I want to hear my sister Jordan and my brother Bret arguing about something silly, and I want to hear my mom laugh and talk like always. But I can't right now, I won't until I get home in December. That is just too long for me. Even though knew I couldn't leave, I told my mom I wanted to go home. Call me pathetic, go ahead! But you have to realize, this is my first time away from home, and I mean really away. Girls camp hardly counts, right? I can't even go home for Thanksgiving, which means my family is missing my birthday. I just want to go home. But this time comes for everyone, and I just had to be the unfortunate child that is really close to her family and ends up sniveling and crying over the fact that she can't see them.
I know everyone goes through this, some of you handle it a heck of a lot better than others (not me), but it doesn't change the fact that this part of life absolutely sucks. You leave home thinking you're ready, but when the time comes and its too late to go back, you realize that you really aren't ready after all. Or at least that's what happened to me and I wish
so badly I could turn back time and go to MCC for a while instead. Although I guess jumping right into the deep end gives more experience then anything else can.
I guess I'm also scared that I'll never meet people as amazing at my friends in Mesa too. And I realize that I will, but as of now, I am just being honest. Let me describe them to you so you get an idea.
This is a lot of us up at lake Powell for our senior trip where I became super tight with Mr. Jon Lemaire and Mr. Spencer Smith. Those two boys always had me laughing even though they stole my dumdums and Jon got me in trouble for staying up til like three talking on top of the house boat. Coorrrrrrrnn Dooooooooooooooggg, Coooooooooooookkkiieeeee, juice! They are my goofballs!
Those two on the right are the one and only Erin Timothy and Natalie Fielding! They are two little spitfires that make anything a great time! We make videos and cookies and cupcakes and everything in between. We gots 'tude, so look out! Anyway, Erin is like my best friend and we do stupid things that are unmentionable, but have to do with female like feelings and mixed names and such! Look out Idaho, she's there to take charge!
This one here is Zachary Burton, one of my very best friends! We meet about a year ago and have been super tight ever since! He is the biggest goof of them all and knows how to make me laugh or feel better when I'm feeling awful about things. He will always be a close and good friend no matter where life puts us, and when he gets out to the field, he's gonna make an awesome missionary!

Here is Matt, onwe of the best friends anyone could ever have! We've only been friends since December, but I can really truly say that he is one of my best friends. We've had a ton of heart to heart talks up to the middle of the night and could talk for even longer if we didn't get so tired. I feel like Matt knows me and understands me even better than I do myself, which I find weird because I haven't known him my whole life. He's also very very good at coming up with ideas for things to do! If anyone knows Jones Soda Night, he is the brain child of it! But orginally he had but a sofa on monkey bars, cool, right? Anyway, Matt is leaving November 9th to serve the people of Argentina. He's gonna do awesome and I'll miss the crap out of him!
I wish I had a picture of Danielle Urness! She is the most super cute senior ever! I love her to death and I'm so glad we met this year too! She is full of personality and spunk and sass. You all watch out for her, because in a year, she's gonna take over the whole world!! Hey Danielle, gingerballs!
Oh Michael, our time together has been so short! I started hanging out with Mikey boy this summer. I wish we were friends ten years before that because this kid is a serious crack up! I bet if he wanted, he could make a terrorist about to hijack laugh until he passes out, he is that funny! You need to hear him use his Chinese accent, seriously the best I've ever heard! And you wouldn't expect him to be as hilarious as he is because he seems so shy. Don't be fooled by those baby blue eyes my friends. Good news is, he's still gonna be home when I come back for break. Michael, you're gonna see a lot of me come December, bud! Consider yourself warned!
This is Mr. Scott Cook everyone. Yes at one point in time I was strong enough to carry him bridal style! Scott is the best person to go to when you want to get a hug or when you want to giggle or relax. He is super chill and really really really good at basketball. 6'10", you know? He's by far the coolest guy I know and I also wish I had known him before senior year because Scott is the best. He is just the best and I love him and wish he didn't have to be so good at basketball and get a full ride to play it!

Here is Caden Alexander. Everyone, this is my amazing prom date who put up with me for 28 hours when our prom day activity went all wrong! He is a big teddy bear and is basically the most amazing kid ever! Him along with the others made the best group of friends that I have ever had! Caden is very upfront and no nonsense and can tell very good stories about ponies and golden mac and cheese. Seriously, ask him to tell you! He is also a flirt, which is always fun to watch, oh and he tells this great story about two turtles that love each other very much! He's up at EAC playing baseball so go watch him!
Here is my amazing family again. I love them more than anything and I can't wait until I get to see them again in December. I'm already counting the days and seriously doubting on leaving home ever again! Love you guys! All of you!
Oh and if any of you want to just snail mail me, you can send me a letter at:
BYUH # 5687
55-222 Kulanui St.
Laie, Hawaii 96762
Seriously, I'd love to hear from any and all of my friends!